The Jerky Report's Rave Reviews

Jim's beef jerky has two outstanding factors going for it, the high-quality steak slices used in production and an even distribution of spices. Every bite of this dried beef snack was tender and flavorful, with the taste sensation of various peppers and pepper sauce lingering in my mouth after finishing.

Read the whole article HERE

Jim's Jarhead Jerky is a hit

Medford resident and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Jim Ewen knows the importance of recognizing and giving back to the people who have served and are serving our country in the Armed Forces.

That’s the reason he’s donated and shipped over 2,000 pounds of homemade beef jerky to troops overseas, and the request for more is growing.

It all started when Ewen sent a care package to his son-in-law who is a Marine and was deployed to Iraq three weeks after marrying Ewen’s daughter.

Here's What People Are Saying About Jim's!

Kevin Riordan: A hit in Iraq, family's jerky ready for a wider audience

The recipe for Jim's Jarhead Jerky is hush-hush, but the patriotism packed into every pound of this distinctive dried beef snack is no secret.

Jim Ewen and his wife, Joette, started making and shipping beef jerky to frontline American troops in 2009 after their son-in-law, Tim Missel, shared his care package with fellow Marines in Iraq.